Frequent Asked Questions

People are not easily able to remember a series of digits. This is why your website URL is a name and not . The same goes for advertising a telephone number. Easy to remember tele-name-numbers such as 800-Insurance, 800-Weight Loss or 800-Day Care makes it simple for potential customers to contact you without having to search for your number.

Because Tele-Name has the best, most effective tele-name-numbers available for most industries. With our 2,000+ numbers to choose from you are not limited to advertising with a hard to remember combination 866 or 877 number. Why own 1-866-502-TINT when you could own 1-800-TINTING? Or 1-877-39-Insure when you could own 1-800-INSURANCE? With 18 years experience and more than two thousand satisfied customers, you can be assured that is not sales hype. Tele-Name Communications is "Here Today and Here Tomorrow".

It’s simple. You select the tele-name number that best describes your business. Then, you select the territory you wish to receive calls from. The website will process your monthly fee including discounts. Then you can choose to reserve the tele-name number for your territory for 48 hours. We’ll send you the actual agreement based on your selections via email or fax. Upon our receipt of the signed agreement, your tele-name number will be activated for your territory.

Once you have secured your tele-name-number, you should consider the many ways you can inexpensively promote it so potential customers will begin to memorize your tele-name-number through repeated exposure. Many businesses begin with vehicle signage, banners, storefront signs, pens and “giveaways” and direct mail. Eventually you will want to consider the impact the number will have for traditional advertising such as billboards, radio, television, and print.

Yes. The tele-name-number rings directly to your local number or cellular number.

Only the first 7 digits register. Just like 800-Progressive or 800-Jeep Eagle, the remaining digits after the first seven are just there to make it memorable.

During the selection process of your tele-name-number you will select your term plan from month-to-month, 1 year with a 5% discount, or 2 years with a 10% discount.

Upon our receipt of the signed activation agreement, your number will usually be up and running within the hour.